Friday, June 24, 2016

Public decision could seal the fate of the old and dormant Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP), but first, the state would have to lay the options down clearly. Nuclear Power Plant Advantages And Disadvantages

In this section we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power. Nevertheless, most organizations related to nuclear energy are already positioned for or against the use of nuclear power. On this site we try to make an objective analysis about this question, giving all the relevant information and offering a space for different conclusions.



Some of the advantages of Nuclear plants are: 1 kg of fuel of uranium gives energy equivalent 3,000 tonnes of high grade coal. Therefore in nuclear power plant the amount of fuel required is very less compared to conventional thermal power plant. Transportation and storage of the fuel is easier.

Fossil fuel reserves depleting at higher rate. Therefore the cost of electricity production through coal and oil reserves increases per kilowatt hour compared to nuclear power plant, i.e, operational cost of nuclear plant is cheaper. Nuclear power plants does not emit green house gases in to atmosphere unlike thermal power plants. Therefore nuclear power is clean and environmental friendly.
Nuclear power plants require little space compared to thermal power plant for the same MW output. Thermal plants require lot of space for coal storage, handling and ash pond. The fuel storage in nuclear plant requires less space and spent fuel coming out of the reactor is stored in small water tank.

Nuclear fuel is available in plenty amount all over the world. Therefore fuel supply to plants will be continuing for hundreds of years.

The output efficiency of nuclear plants is higher compared to thermal power plants and cost of electricity produced per unit is cheaper.


Nuclear reactors such as breeder reactors will breed the fuel in reactor, over a period of time of operation of reactor the amount of fuel provided into the reactor will be equal to the fuel given output from the reactor. This is possible by converting fertile material to fissile material inside the reactor. Nuclear plants always operate as base load plants. Therefore plant availability factor and load factor of the plant is quite high

Department of Energy Secretary Jericho Petilla talks about the possibility of reusing the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant to solve the energy supply problems.


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1 comment:

  1. As Professional Engineer, I do agree. Nuclear Power is clean and stable. Safety issues is a first concern and must be given attention. Why maintain a non-usable facilities, we might as well make it usable and keep the rising costs of electricity under control or even lessen.


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